Header of Edgardo Civallero
Blog in English. By Edgardo Civallero

Blog Libraries in the Margins

Home > Blog Libraries in the Margins


This blog, based in the platform Medium, is published periodically, and it essentially is the translation of Bitácora de un bibliotecario, a weblog produced in Spanish and housed in this website.

Other similar spaces include a blog on the Pulse platform, and the notes.

The entries of this blog will be listed below, following the chronological order of publication.


List of published posts

  The weavers of memories (III) [ver]

  The weavers of memories (II) [ver]

  The weavers of memories (I) [ver]

  Library permaculture (IV) [ver]

  Library permaculture (III) [ver]

  Library permaculture (II) [ver]

  Library permaculture (I) [ver]

  From a rural place [ver]

  Sounds and silences in libraries [ver]

  Decolonize the libraries: A handful of notes (02) [ver]

  Decolonize the libraries: A handful of notes (01) [ver]

  Time not should be given a chance to pass in vain [ver]

  Of libraries, ruralities, and mycelia | Degrowth (02) [ver]

  Their choice | Degrowth (01) [ver]

  The heartbeat of the Mapu | Documents and knowledge on the margins (02) [ver]

  Cooking casssava... | Documents and knowledge on the margins (01) [ver]

  Libraries in the margins (03) [ver]

  Libraries in the margins (02) [ver]

  Libraries in the margins (01) [ver]