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Notes in English. By Edgardo Civallero


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This space presents two series of notes: The Letters from the Library and the Tips & tools for researchers (and everybody else). All of them have been produced in the scenario of my current workplace (as for 2024), and have a deep relationship with the disciplines of knowledge and memory management.

The entries will be listed below, following the chronological order of publication.


List of published Tips & tools

  #002. ORCID (and II). Creating a bibliographic list and discovering the .bib format [see]

  #001. ORCID (I). Making sure that you are who you are (and you published what you published) [see]

  #000. A kind-of introduction [see]


List of published Letters

  #002. The gaze on the details [see]

  #001. The puzzle of the fragmented memory [see]

  #000. A sort of introduction [see]