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Blog Libraries in the Margins | The most recent post

Blog Libraries in the Margins. The most recent post. By Edgardo Civallero

The threads that compose us (01 of 24)

"Who am I?" is a question that has always been present on my horizon. Perhaps being a descendant of Europeans in a distant land, or having been a Latin American migrant in as many other even more distant countries, has somewhat complicated my perception of the matter. The point is that, beyond the simple biological answer —I am an individual of the species Homo sapiens, with all that such a thing implies in terms of nature and evolution—, there is no simple answer to my questioning.

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Articles. By Edgardo Civallero

Notas desde el páramo [Notes from the wilderness]

Agenda Cultural UdeA, 308, May.2023, pp. 11-15.

A short essay, in Spanish, about the importance of language in rural territories, written by a librarian from the Chingaza páramo, near Bogotá (Colombia).

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Other publications

Other publications. By Edgardo Civallero

Marine Iguanas: Between Land and Sea

This document, dedicated to the marine iguanas of the Galapagos Islands, combines a series of photographs by British researcher Godfrey Merlen, preserved as slides in the audiovisual collection of the Library, Archives & Museum of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands (CDF), with a selection of historical texts on the archipelago that are part of the "Historical Bibliography" of the Galapagueana digital project. The book is part of the "Galapagos Memory" series, published in digital format from the CDF library.

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